Today, 14.10.2024

Cheapest price for petrol is

6.87Lukoil Hemeius, Bacau

Cheapest price for diesel is

6.99Socar Novaci, Gorj
Str. Rinca
Lowest petrol, diesel and LPG prices in main cities*
*top 5 cities by population
City Petrol Diesel LPG
Cluj Napoca6.977.093.44

Prices for each of Gazprom, Lukoil, Mol, OMV, Petrom, Rompetrol, Socar, ALD, BLKOil, CellyRo, DHR, DriveGas, MaximCoLtd, Metropoli, Ozana, Petrolium, Petromar, RST, TEAutohof, VhExtraOil gas stations are updated at different times in the day, every day.

Peco Online is the site where you can quickly check the prices for gasoline, diesel, LPG or AdBlue at each of Gazprom, Lukoil, Mol, OMV, Petrom, Rompetrol, Socar, ALD, BLKOil, CellyRo, DHR, DriveGas, MaximCoLtd, Metropoli, Ozana, Petrolium, Petromar, RST, TEAutohof, VhExtraOil gas stations in Romania. You can also look for the best price around you, anywhere in Romania or along any route/itinerary.

Find the location of all Gazprom, Lukoil, Mol, OMV, Petrom, Rompetrol, Socar, ALD, BLKOil, CellyRo, DHR, DriveGas, MaximCoLtd, Metropoli, Ozana, Petrolium, Petromar, RST, TEAutohof, VhExtraOil, AS24, Carbogaz, Ecombustibil, Eldomir, ETU, Eurogenetic, Flaga, FloreaOil, MOil, Octano, OscarDrive, PartenerRompetrol, PetrolEuroTehnic, RBCGas, RO, RompetrolExpres, RompetrolGas, TSV gas stations and get directions to the selected station.

  • Historical data for the national average on petrol and diesel prices

  • Daily updated list with lowest prices for gasoline, diesel and LPG in major cities in Romania

  • Current promotions in gas stations

*statistics based on daily updated prices for each of the following gas stations: Gazprom, Lukoil, Mol, OMV, Petrom, Rompetrol, Socar, ALD, BLKOil, CellyRo, DHR, DriveGas, MaximCoLtd, Metropoli, Ozana, Petrolium, Petromar, RST, TEAutohof, VhExtraOil

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